Murphy's Birthday

Murphy's Birthday Today is Murphy's birthday. She was very happy because tonight there will be a birthday party at her house. She also invites her little friend, Penelope. Penelope is a fairy who lives in a magical place. She is very kind. Murphy and Penelope have been friends for a very long time. At that time, Murphy accidentally saw Penelope who was in pain because she was hit by a tree branch. At first, Murphy was surprised but after that, she brought Penelope to the house and treated her sore leg from being hit by a tree branch. Since then, they finally became good friends. Also on this day, Penelope helps Murphy decorate the ballroom. The room looks so beautiful and luxurious. The glitter-filled balloons on the ceiling look very pretty. The light that was on made the room bright. Don't forget the table that contains lots of food and drinks that can float without the help of table legs. Murphy really likes it. Moreover, this room is dominated by pink, Murp...